Tag Archives: mountains

Home (original poem of mine)

When moons white ravaged light
Shreds it’s pearlescent shadow
And the night’s young child seeks to play
As the ache
that I couldn’t know.
Tomorrows breath
leans over my shoulder

Soft as a quiet meadow dawn
enough to bite this empty thorn
It’s crude tongue leaves no taste
My lips are dry
and the salty edge of each wave
leaves me sweet as the green of the weeds beneath.

Where no light
seeks to disdain
The concrete judder of my heart
The empty vessel goes unshaken
A gentle plateau of complacency
the furrows of my love are long buried.

The jagged plaster of the mountainside
has sealed my fate
Locked in the frozen tide of it’s granite loving arms
Bearing their white tinted souls

The city lights spark and tear at my flesh
the grinning teeth of industry below me
Make me swallow the dead wing of my parched throat
Till the silk wormed light drags me home.