Tag Archives: grey

The Grey Castle (Original poem of mine)

I woke at the grey castle,
And with each breath
I saw those grey walls
And grey stone
And the grey sky
With the black birds
And the grey green bruise
Those clouds.

A happy and silent sleep
I had
At first
But soon the sky nudges you
To remember the time
To cling to some semblance
Of the hours rolling by
But those grey walls
They kept me locked inside.

The smooth granite
And the black
And the blue
They blend into grey
And silver hue
And the turret
Where the lonely woman cries
You close your eyes
And open them to the grey sky.

You ask and you pray
To leave this grey,
majestic theatre.
And you wish to leave
And speak to someone,
Or something.
But every day
It is a grey dawn,
And a sullen afternoon
That seeps into
This widening pool of grey blue.